Friday, March 23, 2018

Erik Phillips - One

Erik Phillips

when I think of an album that captures the feeling of hometowns and nostalgia, One by Erik Phillips does so fantastically. listening to the songs Make or Give I am instantly reminded and dream of better times that came with being in elementary school, bicycling around town with childhood friends or coming home inside covered in dirt and pine sap to my mother's mac and cheese for lunch. (which for some reason was always the best, even though it was a box of kraft macaroni.)

Erik Phillips, formerly known as "cat be damned" and "ugly suns" is an acoustic / indie / bedroom pop / lofi artist from Richmond, Virginia. his first releases you make me feel ten feet tall and six songs were collections of exceptionally moody ambient guitar/synth tracks. tracks like worship music ii invoke intense emotions despite being only instrumental, and they are best experienced at night in your bedroom alone with only a candle for your light. (there was some pre-cat be damned music and band attempts which Erik can happily laugh off as trying to emulate Modest Mouse he quickly figured out he was in over his head), following those two releases, he released another incredible album titled 2015 in which he branched out from his instrumental tracks and began create more bedroom pop influenced sounds from artists like Elvis Depressedly, Elliot Smith and Alex G by adding in a low kick and dry snare drum complimented with a light hi-hat. He also began to write sentimentally inspired melancholy lyrics that seem to portray a releasing of inner thoughts and contextualizing the world as he sees it. although 2015 does still include some ambient tracks, a clear groundwork and direction was laid out for his next album, One.

"the friends i make myself / i don't talk to them / i bought myself a phone / so i can hang up on all of them again"
-parking on the freeway - 2015

Erik Phillips - One

released in february this year (2018), One is an album full of small short stories and characters that can fill one's life, which is one of the reasons i am personally filled with nostalgia while i listen it. The album is filled with well-layered acoustic guitars, synths/pianos and lo-fi drums that are told intimately from Erik's perspective with soft-spoken lyrics. although somewhat gloomy in tone, i view them much more as hushed but blissful lullaby. Interstate 95 or Wrong are two strong examples of this, instead of hearing what at face value may be interpreted as depressing i hear a more joyful yet solemn or shy singer expressing some honest yet still abstract thoughts or feelings that he has. a particular favorite theme off of One and Erik's releases as a whole are the religious themes in some of his songs, like every other person in the world Erik is uneasy and unsure where to find the unanswered questions.  it is far too easy and commonplace to simply talk down on religion and the like instead of getting at the heart of your feelings and thoughts and Erik does so beautifully in One. from his previous release 2015 , a clear sense of artistic growth can be heard, not only in incredibly cleaned up songwriting but also in recording and production. whether it is intentional or not, Erik's raw or bare-bones recording process delivers melodic, minimalistic and fairly memorable songs. this minimalism in his music is in my opinion one of One's strongest points, for he doesn't try to clutter or drown you in his musical attempts, he presents neat, clean and well thought-out songs throughout the album. i relate it similarly to an author or filmmaker saying something along the lines of "if it isn't absolutely necessary to the plot, cut it".

there is something special to be said about my drives alone on highway 61 to and from my hometown listening to Interstate 95 or my winter walks home listening to Give. lately i have thought a lot about how bewildering and simply amazing it is to think that each and every person you meet and see out there has a life equally as complex and filled with stories or memories as my own, and Erik Phillip's One presents a window into another one of those equally fascinating realities for me.

you can purchase and listen to his music at his bandcamp website below, as well as follow him on facebook and twitter with the links below. thank you.